• I have been really into over sized, cozy sweaters with leggings or skinny jeans. Winter clothing can be both cute and effortless. My latest find is from the Salvation Army. (The best place for unique treasures!) I love this black sweater with gold flecks. Also. I'm really digging my short hair lately.
• Gold Spray Paint.
I. Just. Can't. Stop. (did y'all know you can paint Xmas lights?!)

•My house was feeling a little sad after I took down my Christmas tree, so I put up "just because" decorations.
• This is my life. I love to twirl around in circles, daydream, drink milk straight out of the carton, and I say the word "murder" multiple times on first dates. It is what it is.
• I love that my Auntie is halfway done with chemo, and her white and red blood cell counts are the best they've been this whole journey. Praying to hear that sweet word, "remission".
• I am loving shoveling my sidewalk lately. That's probably weird, right? I think I shoveled and salted 4x this week, and every time with a smile and a song. I'm just thankful the snow has been minimal over all this winter. I don't mind a few inches once in a while. It kinda looks pretty and clean. I have discovered though, that I completely despise clearing the snow off my car.
Love, M
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