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Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday Favorites.

•The last few weeks, I have been really digging salad. My current obsession is spring mix, baby spinach, dried cranberries, walnuts, chicken breast (from a grocery store rotisserie chicken), poppy seed dressing, and occasionally cut up apples, or strawberries. I have eaten this at least one meal a day for the last two weeks. It's that good. 

•Steffany Gretzinger. Look her up. Last weekend one of my friends had her album playing in the car. I fell so in love with her voice, I bought her album within minutes. This album has been on pretty much 24/7. Here are two of my favorites right now:

•Currently memorizing Jeremiah 31:3. I love that even when I feel that God is far away, He still come near, and appears to this girl. I love on the days I feel unlovable, He reminds me of His everlasting love towards me. I love on days full of doubt and distraction, I am reminded that He is faithful, and will continue to be faithful. I love that God's Word is so full of truths to cling to, no matter the day, situation, or feelings.

•I haven't spent any money at Kroger in over a year (I really love Neiman's.) But every time I get gas from a Kroger gas station, I punch in my phone number, and am told I have fuel rewards. I really don't understand. Who is giving me their rewards?! But I'm so thankful. I was able to fill up from completely empty, with a $20, and I got change back. Yay for .47!

•I love that days are getting a little bit longer. Working 12ish hour long days means in the winter, I drive to work in the dark, and drive back home in the dark. But this week, I have been able to catch the very ending of daylight, and I love it. 

•Christmas Lights! I know it's after Christmas, but I am still pretty obsessed with looking at all the lights, and coming home to a cute and cozy home. 

•Homemade Soup! My sister and I made soup for a couple of our pastors and their families after church. It was so yummy. (And so easy!!!) Here are the two we made. (For the potato, we omitted chicken, because she's a vegetarian, and we added an extra cup of cheese. For the tomato, we used cans of puréed tomatoes.)

Happy Weekend! Love, M

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