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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The last few months life has been quite heavy. There has been loss and change and the unknown. I wouldn't have chosen any of it. It has all been uncomfortable, ugly, and so full of all the big emotions. 

Last night I was out to dinner with some friends. I was sharing the highlights and lowlights of this season. Speaking it all out loud made me stop, and process things in a new way. 

The things I lost were maybe things I was holding onto so desperately. In them was where I found a lot of my identity. 

Perhaps that wasn't where my identity shouldn't have been rooted all this time. Perhaps it was time for a bit of refining fire. Perhaps it was time to refocus and refix my eyes on Jesus. 

Maybe it was good to have things be put to death, for chapters to be finished, and for doors to close. Because just maybe, it allows room for new things to grow, for new life to spring forth, new chapter to be written, new adventures to be had, and new doors to be opened. 

I am excited to see what the next season holds. I can see the hints of what is to come, and I think it's looking beautiful. 

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