Thursday Adventures.
This morning I woke up early, and met a few girls in downtown Pontiac. We loaded up our baskets, and began wandering the streets. It was still dark, the air was crisp, and flurries were beginning to fall.
We set out with purpose in our minds, love in our hearts, and gloves, hand warmers, muffins, and juice boxes in our baskets.
Every Thursday morning, a few wonderful women who just want to share the love of Jesus, bundle up, and walk the streets of downtown Pontiac. They search for the homeless, the broken, the weary, the hopeless, and the lonely. They hand out breakfast and gloves. When asked why they do what they do, its always the same response. They just want to share the real love of Christ.
There is no glamour to be found here. There is no award for being good people. The simple joy is found in the quiet "thank you's", the silent smiles, the hastening of gloves over frozen fingers, the shouts of excitement as these girls appear in alleys, and in knowing they are being the hands and feet of Jesus.
I had the pleasure of serving with them today. It was my first time. It was delightful. My heart hasn't smiled like that in a while. There is something so unique to this type of ministry that is intoxicating. It is such a joy to be apart of something that is really showing Jesus' love, not in theory, but in reality.
On my way, driving this morning, I began to pray a few things.
-I prayed my basket would be emptied. It was. I gave out 9 pairs of gloves to 9 men this morning. That's more than normal.
-I prayed I would be warm, even though it was below freezing. I was. By the end of the hour, I was sweating. As soon as I got to the car, I was taking off layers.
-I prayed I would remember why I was there. I did. Verses flooded my heart as I saw cold, lonely men who needed to be loved by a real Savior.
(Psalm 140:12 I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. Matthew 25:37b-40 Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.')
-I prayed for safety. We had it. Never once did I feel frightened, in danger, or even nervous. I knew Who had us. More verses filled my mind with reminders of my God.
(Psalm 28:7a The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped... Psalm 7:10a My shield is God Most High... Psalm 119:114 You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word. Psalm 59:9-10a O my strength, I watch for you; you, o God, are my fortress, my loving God. God will go before me. Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do nor be afraid; do not be discouraged. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.)
-I prayed for Him to speak to me. He did. And as always, it was the right thing, for the right time.
(2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.")
-I prayed for people to hear about Jesus. They heard. Not only in our actions and words, but in every bag that was handed out was a piece of paper that explained why these girls do what they do, and had verses pointing them to a real Savior.
So, I challenge you to pray, and watch God show up. Wait, expecting big things. And then, take action.
Remember, we are not always called the same way to serve. If I had a husband and babies, I wouldn't be able to just leave and do what I do. So, I once again praise Him for my season of singleness. I am not telling you to leave your kids to go to Pontiac at six am and wander in alley ways. We are all in different seasons, all with different talents and different abilities. Pray about it, ask God to show you were you can love people now, and share a real Jesus. You may not have to even leave your couch. People are needed to pray, to give, to encourage, to do, and to go.How can you love people and bring them to Jesus this week?
Please be praying for the homeless all over the world on these bitter cold, winter nights. And remember to be thankful for your warm pjs, bed, and home tonight. You are blessed, don't forget.
What a perfectly lovely day.
Love, M.

This morning I woke up early, and met a few girls in downtown Pontiac. We loaded up our baskets, and began wandering the streets. It was still dark, the air was crisp, and flurries were beginning to fall.
We set out with purpose in our minds, love in our hearts, and gloves, hand warmers, muffins, and juice boxes in our baskets.
Every Thursday morning, a few wonderful women who just want to share the love of Jesus, bundle up, and walk the streets of downtown Pontiac. They search for the homeless, the broken, the weary, the hopeless, and the lonely. They hand out breakfast and gloves. When asked why they do what they do, its always the same response. They just want to share the real love of Christ.
There is no glamour to be found here. There is no award for being good people. The simple joy is found in the quiet "thank you's", the silent smiles, the hastening of gloves over frozen fingers, the shouts of excitement as these girls appear in alleys, and in knowing they are being the hands and feet of Jesus.
I had the pleasure of serving with them today. It was my first time. It was delightful. My heart hasn't smiled like that in a while. There is something so unique to this type of ministry that is intoxicating. It is such a joy to be apart of something that is really showing Jesus' love, not in theory, but in reality.
On my way, driving this morning, I began to pray a few things.
-I prayed my basket would be emptied. It was. I gave out 9 pairs of gloves to 9 men this morning. That's more than normal.
-I prayed I would be warm, even though it was below freezing. I was. By the end of the hour, I was sweating. As soon as I got to the car, I was taking off layers.
-I prayed I would remember why I was there. I did. Verses flooded my heart as I saw cold, lonely men who needed to be loved by a real Savior.
(Psalm 140:12 I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. Matthew 25:37b-40 Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.')
-I prayed for safety. We had it. Never once did I feel frightened, in danger, or even nervous. I knew Who had us. More verses filled my mind with reminders of my God.
(Psalm 28:7a The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped... Psalm 7:10a My shield is God Most High... Psalm 119:114 You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word. Psalm 59:9-10a O my strength, I watch for you; you, o God, are my fortress, my loving God. God will go before me. Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do nor be afraid; do not be discouraged. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.)
-I prayed for Him to speak to me. He did. And as always, it was the right thing, for the right time.
(2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.")
-I prayed for people to hear about Jesus. They heard. Not only in our actions and words, but in every bag that was handed out was a piece of paper that explained why these girls do what they do, and had verses pointing them to a real Savior.
So, I challenge you to pray, and watch God show up. Wait, expecting big things. And then, take action.
Remember, we are not always called the same way to serve. If I had a husband and babies, I wouldn't be able to just leave and do what I do. So, I once again praise Him for my season of singleness. I am not telling you to leave your kids to go to Pontiac at six am and wander in alley ways. We are all in different seasons, all with different talents and different abilities. Pray about it, ask God to show you were you can love people now, and share a real Jesus. You may not have to even leave your couch. People are needed to pray, to give, to encourage, to do, and to go.How can you love people and bring them to Jesus this week?
Please be praying for the homeless all over the world on these bitter cold, winter nights. And remember to be thankful for your warm pjs, bed, and home tonight. You are blessed, don't forget.
What a perfectly lovely day.
Love, M.
Great Post Michelle,
ReplyDeleteGlad you listened to Gods Calling and provided a blessing to others. Such a need that takes people out of their comfort zones and their safe places..I am blessed reading this, Nita