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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

looking back part two

This is Part Two of my Looking Back post. (Read Part One here.)

Year number two I discovered God's love in a real way.

His love for me is more overwhelming than I could ever begin to imagine. Not only did He love me enough to create me, but then when I went against Him, He sent His perfect Son (Jesus) to take my place and take my punishment, so I can be in rightstanding with God. Mind blowing. And then, He continues to love me more than I ever could understand, regardless of what I do. I don't understand it.

I am His beloved. He loves me. Unconditional love.

This is the year He really opened my eyes to the fact that he loves everyone. (John 3:16 For God so loved the world...) He doesn't just love middle class, white, Americans. He loves everyone. He loves the prostitues in Detroit. He loves the babies without names, abandoned in third world countries. He loves the addicts on the street. He loves people who want nothing to do with Him. He loves the homeless. He loves the sick. He loves the hopeless. He loves those who have never even heard His name. He loves the ugly, the unloveable, the uncomfotable. He loves them with the same all consuming loves that He loves me.

So this was the year I prayed often that I would have the same eyes and heart as Jesus. I wanted to love people regardless of skin color, religion, pay check size, past, gender, age, smell, or location. I just wanted to see people the way Jesus does. (Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes song)

So, I became involved in homeless ministry. He gave me teenagers to love. He helped me love my family more. He placed hard people in my path to love. And then, that May, God called me to Bolivia, and in September I accepted.

If I wouldn't had that year, I wouldn't know God's love for me, or how I should love others. I am so grateful He took an entire year and dedicated it to teaching me about love. He is still teaching me about His love, how to love, and what love really is. I am so grateful for that year of foundation.

I challenge you, if you don't know His love, or you doubt it, seek it out. It will change your life. It will change how you view yourself, and how you treat others. It is amazing.

Have a blessed day!

Love, M

1 comment:

  1. You know that is true!!!! Being founded in God's love is key. I am so glad this is so real to you, I witnessed it change your life and I am just amazed and honored to have you as my dear friend!! What a blessing, breath of fresh air, and radiance of God's true self you are to all those you encounter. Love u girl!
