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Friday, May 22, 2015

It has been a rough week. 

Nothing dramatic or significant occurred. 

There was just a lot of little things. 

A nasty allergy-flu-cold hybrid took over my body, and left me beyond exhausted. 

I didn't meet my mileage goals at all this week or last. 

I've been mourning broken and lost friendships. 

Loneliness has taken over my household, and has left me longing. 

Lack of consistent income has created a bit of stress. 

My home is a disaster zone, and I don't even care. 

And I'm over here, just wanting a nap, and to fast forward this season. 

But tonight. 

I went to a fundraiser for a dear family. They are adopting a daughter this summer. I believe in what they are doing, and am so excited for them. 

I really believe adoption is God's heart. 

One of my good friends and I went to eat after. We talked, and it was good. On the way home, she had me read some verses that God had shown her earlier. 

Isn't it beautiful when God's Word just comes alive? 

I whined a bit about my week, and she just answered with, "let's pray."

So we just sat there, in my driveway, and just talked to a real God. We marveled, and thanked Him for His goodness, and that He chose us. We giggled and sang about how overwhelming His love is for us. And we just were amazed at who He is. 

Tonight, I am resting in the beauty of "I am Yours, and You are mine." 

Life feels a bit messy right now. 

But He is so good. And His love is gloriously overwhelming. 

And right now, that's more than enough. 


1 comment:

  1. I loved this POST. We entertain angels unaware. It sounds like you have a beautiful circle of friends. I too will be praying for you michelle.
