Here is the second half of my top ten reminders for single girls. If you did not catch part one, you can find it here.
6. Pray for your future husband. I'm not talking 'the where the heck is he, Lord? Get him here now.' prayer. I mean praying for him right now wherever he is now. Pray for protection, him to know Jesus, for him to learn faithfulness and loyalty, spiritual strength, and even wisdom for his now. The more I pray for him, the more content I become. "Trust also means believing your prayers will work in the life of your future husband even though you can't see him today. ... You have most likely not met him yet, but your prayers will make a difference in his life. As you pray, you too are changed. You're building your trust. You're placing your hopes in God's hands, and there's no better place they can be." (Praying for your Future Husband-Preparing Your Heart for His Gunn and Goyer)
7. Don't believe the lies. Satan is really good at tricking us to believe his lies. So remember: You
will probably not die alone. 95% of singles will be married one day. You do have value in the church. (More value than holding a screaming baby so a mom can attend a service.) You deserve to be loved. You are a treasure.You are wonderful.You are not forgotten. There is a plan. Quiet his lies with truth from God's Word. "When there is a fight between your heart and your head, experience has taught me that the best thing to do is pick up your Bible and remind yourself of what God says. ... You need to return to the truth of God's Word that will last forever, not meditate on circumstances that will change and fade." (Undaunted Caine) For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11
8. Your waiting is not wasted. God's timing is perfect. He is the author of time, and knows what is going on. Wait on Him. He is working all things out for the good, if you know Him. "God knows everything about us. He understands every thought and feeling before we even think it or feel it. Nothing is wasted in His economy, even though we don't see how that's possible at the time. Take heart. God sees the big picture. Rest in Him, and give Him time to reveal His plans for you." (Praying for your Future Husband-Preparing Your Heart for His Gunn and Goyer)
9. Be happy for your friends. Anytime wedding talk is brought up around me, two things are said. "I don't think that 'once a bridesmaid, never a bride' thing is really true." And, "You're so close to being like that girl in that movie, oh what's it called? 27 Dresses!" These comments flow freely after you have been asked to be a bridesmaid 9 times, before the age of 25. I love weddings, but I would be lying to you, if I told you I jumped up and down every time I received an invitation in the mail. Normally my response is to mark it on my calendar, and go cry in bed. One of my best friends gave me great advice. She reminded me that none of these girls were marrying my man. He was still out there, waiting for me. Instead of being sulky and bitter, I needed to choose to rejoice for my friends. So, anytime I see my name in calligraphy on an envelope, I choose to be happy for them. It has really made a difference.
10. Know you're not alone.
You are not the only single person in the world. Find a girl who is in
the same position as you, encourage each other, and pray for one another. Be careful to choose someone who is not encouraging you to be bitter and desperate. You want someone to keep you accountable, have fun with, and talk out your frustration with. One of the greatest gifts we have, is the gift of friendship. I also have a wonderful group of married friends. Some have been married for a few months, and others have more than 20 years under their belts. Learn from them. Use their
mistakes, trials, and frustrations as lessons. Ask them how they pray
for their husbands, and pray for yours now, even though you may not know him yet. Seek advice from godly women, and remember, you are not alone.
I hope you are encouraged, and are reminded how incredible you are.
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