With a new age, there has been some small changes in my life. The biggest change is suddenly just not caring.
I don't mean this in a terrible way. I have not given up on life, rescued 97 cats, and only eat ice cream out of the container. Please, no need to panic.
I mean, I am just doing my own thing, without being fearful of others' opinions. Life is too short to always be worried about what other people think.
For example, I have been wearing a cream tulle skirt every chance I can for weeks. I sewed it myself, after seeing the $200 version at Anthropologie. It cost me $20, and only 2 hours. I am proud of it, but even more than that, I just really love to wear it.
I know, I know. I have heard all of the comments. I am not deaf. But I just don't care. I love this skirt, and I love wearing it.
I really believe style is wearing something you love, and just being confident enough to make it work.
So I have worn it. A lot.
The skirt with long pearls, cheetah platforms, a messy top knot, and black sweater. Showing it off to my neighbor.
The skirt with pearls, black stilettos, and black sweater. Also. This skirt is huge, and hilarious to drive in. Coming home from church.

The skirt with a cable knit sweater, gold flats, wings, a crown, and a wand. As The Tooth Fairy at Trunk or Treat.
The skirt with a plaid button down, and cowgirl boots. At my friend's ordination.
The skirt with fushia heels, a black sweater, bow in my hair, and the prettiest birthday cake. At my birthday party.
The skirt with a black tee and cheetah wedges. In my kitchen, for no reason.
The skirt with a comic book baseball tee and converse. This is today, because it's what I wanted to wear while I tidied the house.
I know this a different style of blogging for me, and I don't really know how long my randomness with continue. But I just have been enjoying living in the little moments for myself, and wanted to share. I have also been journaling some hilarious thoughts lately. I'm quite full of whimsy, and silliness. So, look for a few laughs coming up.
What would you do if you could do something, without worrying about people's opinions, or society's norms?
What is something bold you can do in your own little corner of the world, this week?
In what area do you fear too much about what others' think?
What area if life do you wish you were more confident?
Love, M