Thursday, April 2, 2015

13 reasons. 13 miles.

Okay. So I'm probably insane. I just signed up for a half marathon. It is six months from now, and I'm actually pretty excited. 
My current training plan is to walk most of my miles, with some spurts of running, cross train with spin classes, and practice a lot of yoga. I do not have high ambitions of running the entire thing. I plan on walking most, but I would like to run a small chunk of it. 

For the last 4 weeks, I have been getting 10 miles in per week. I have had a couple of longer walks (7.08 and 5.6 miles), and have been fine during and after. I figure if I can walk seven miles with no issues six months out, I can get to where I need to be when I need to be there. 

I will need a lot of encouragement and prayer.

But I really think I can do this. 
Longest so far. 

Nighttime walk with safety vest, pearls, red lips, and a cold friend. 

Crossing the new bridge in my sweet little town. 

Here are my current top 13 reasons for completing 13.1 miles. 

13. I have always been told I'm not athletic, and could never do something like this, and I want to prove that wrong. 

12. I know I lack self discipline in pretty much all areas of life right now, and I know being on a strict training schedule would change that. 

11. I have a super cute, red dress (among a few other things) that I really want to wear, but they are just a bit too small. 

10. With my job ending, and a very open and unplanned next season of life, I want to have a purpose over the next few months. 

09. I don't want to sit in front of the tv and binge watch tv shows because I'm upset, I want to move my body towards a goal.  

08. I want to be healthy and have healthy habits. 

07. I need to have small, obtainable goals in my life. This would give me daily, weekly, monthly, and six month goals. 

06. I think I may be strong, but I want to know that I really am strong. 

05. Most days I think I'm insane and stupid for thinking I can do this, and I want to prove myself wrong. 

04. I need something to look forward to. 

03. I know myself enough that I need to do things on my terms, in my timing, and I think this is it, and this is the time. 

02. I just want to cross that finish line. 

01. Completing a half marathon has been on my secret bucket list for over 5 years, and now I can't wait to actually cross it off the list. 

Here comes another wild adventure. I'm terrified and excited all at once.  

Love, M

What I'm reading.

Let me start off by saying, I have a problem. I know. I am a huge book nerd. I always have multiple books going at once. I love reading so much, I redid my home to have a reading nook, right at the heart of it. I have too many books. I am always asking for book suggestions, and always giving them. Most moments of the day, I can be found with at least one book on me. It's a serious issue. I bring one (or more) to every place I go. I have a cart I moved into my reading corner. Every day I keep adding more books to the shelves. It is completely full now. I have so many that I want to read, need to read for the second time, and a handful that feel like home, so I read them so many times, I have them memorized. I have a problem. 

So here is a list of what I'm reading now. Because I am in the process of losing my job, and suddenly have found myself with much more free time than I'm used to, the list is a bit longer than normal. Also. Because of my random life currently, some are read every hour, and some just every few days. There is no rhyme or reason to the madness. 

For the Love: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards -Jen Hatmaker 

I am apart of Jen's Launch Team, so I get to read the book early, and I am almost done. And I am IN LOVE. I really think every woman needs to read this. I have laughed so hard that I cried, I have cried because words were so full of truth, and I have shouted "Yes!" so many times, I'm sure my neighbors think I'm nuts. There's nuggets about fashion, parenting, marriage, growing up, cooking, loving people, how not to be churchy, permission to say no sometimes, and just life. Y'all. This is pure book gold. It doesn't get released to the public until August, but y'all need to run and get this the very second it comes out. "Be kind. Be you. Love Jesus. That's about it. Everything else will fall into place." 

•Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food -Lysa Terkeurest 

I am reading this with my dearest friend, S. The last few weeks we have really been trying to be each other's accountability partners in this getting healthy journey. We are reading a few chapters, and then getting together to discuss them together. "Truth is powerful. The more saturated we are with truth, the more powerful we'll be in resisting our temptations. And the more we'll naturally direct our cravings where they should be directed- to the Author of all truth." 

Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet: Tasting the Goodness of God in All Things -Sara Hagerty 

One of my dear friends came over the night. She bought me dinner, and sat with me as I cried. I shared how I feel like my dreams are dying. That's the honest truth. The last few weeks have been really hard. She then shared about how this book changed her thinking when she was in a season of struggle. She shared snippets of the book, and while on my couch, went onto amazon, and ordered the book for me. It showed up on my front porch today, and I can't wait to start reading it. I need a real reminder of His faithfulness right now. 

Runner's World Big Book of Marathon and Half Marathon Training: Winning Stategies, Inspiring Stories, and the Ultimate Training Tools 

I have only opened this twice. So I can't really give much of an opinion yet. This is a suggestion from a friend. More to come about this subject soon! 

The Little Prince -Antoine de Saint Exupéry 

This is a suggestion from my best friend in Japan. This is my nightstand book. I love reading a few pages of this before bed. It is such a delightful story. My best friend and I are (slowly but surely) reading this together. Because we're so far away from each other, I love that we are reading the same thing at the same time. It keeps us connected.  

Love Does: Discover a Secret Incredible Life in an Ordinary World -Bob Goff 

This book. Ahhhhhhmazing. I feel like Bob and I could be good friends. He lives his life full of whimsy, spontaneity, passion, and love. The stories he tells reminds me of my own quirky tales. He just loves people, just like Jesus does. I just want a life like that. This book has put my highlighters and pens to the test. It is so marked up, because it's just that good. 

The Right One: How to Successfully Date and Marry the Right Person -Jimmy Evans and Frank Martin 

First off. The forward is by Kari Jobe, who is my favorite. I have read SO MANY books on being single/finding the right person/getting married, and most have just missed the mark. This one is so good. Trust me. If you're not married, I recommend reading this one. 

Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit - Beth Moore

I am doing this study with a group of women from my church. Beth's teaching is so on point. Every week it's just so good, and so full of truth. Also. I apparently can't drink coffee and study in bed without making a mess. 😂

The Bible: Isaiah

Isaiah is one of my favorite books. I'm just in love with the passion of this book. Whenever I feel stuck in life, I tend to find myself reading chapter 61 over and over. "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners..."

Dancing for the Devil: One Woman's Dramatic and Divine Rescue from the Sex Industry- Anny Donewald 

I have heard Anny tell bits of her story in person. It's incredible. I have such a heart for victims of human trafficking and injustice, so I have read many books on the subject in the last few years. This one is one of my favorites. It's just such a great reminder that God can use even the darkest and dirtiest stories and pasts for His glory. 

What are you reading? Have you read any of my current reads? What are your suggestions for my next season of reading? 

Love, M.